1. a) Define the following terms; scolex, microtriches, proglottids and strobila.( 4 mks)

b) Give three ways in which nemertines differ from platyhelminths.(3 mks)

2. Describe three ways to avoid fouling that evolved in gastropods.(7 mks)

3. Briefly discuss the factors that have led to the success of arthropods.(7 mks)

4. a) Explain why a protozoan maybe very complex even though it is composed of only one cell.(4mks)

b) Explain the difference between mictic and amictic eggs of rotifers and tell the adaptive value of each.(3mks)

5. Briefly describe asconoid, syconoid body types in sponges.(7mks)

6. Describe the major characteristic features of the class insecta.(7mks)

7. Briefly define the following terms.

a) Fertilization

b) Zygote

c) Cleavage

d) Blastula

e) Glastrulation

f) Tripoloblastic

g) Pseudocoelomate.(7mks)


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