1a. What is data processing? (1mk)

b. Describe advantages of soft copy over hard copy outputs. (3mks)

c. Discuss factors that you must consider when selecting data processing methods. (4mks)

d. Write the following binary values in decimal form. Identify letters/symbols represented by each. Show your work clearly. You may refer to ASCII table. (4mks)
i. 01010111
ii. 01011011

e. Write the following decimal values in binary form. Identify the letter represented by each. Show your work clearly. You may refer to ASCII table. (4mks)
i. 84
ii. 86

f. Write the binary values of the following letters. Show your work clearly. You may refer to ASCII table. (4mks)
i. A
ii. C

2a. Identify computer output devices that are suitable for the following functions (2mks)
i. Listening to music
ii. Watching a movie

b. Identify computer input devices that are suitable for the following functions (2mks)
i. Capturing the voice
ii. Capturing picture

c. What factors would you consider when buying a printer for office work? (6mks)

d. Explain the meaning of the following acronyms used in measuring the speed of a printer.
i. CPS
ii. LPM
iii. PPM

e. Distinguish between direct and indirect input devices. Give examples. (4mks)

f. Describe the major components of a computer system. (3mks)


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