1. Explain the importance of establishing and sustaining good rapport with your clients/ patients and discuss how to effectively do this (10 marks)
2. Write brief notes on the following nutrition counseling techniques
a) Recording the counseling session (10 marks)
b) Listening during the counseling session (10 marks)
3. Select two (2) of the following nutrition related conditions and make relevant nutrition counseling plans (20 marks)
a) HIV and AIDS

b) Diabetes

c) Overweight and obesity

d) Alcoholism

Section B: Attempt only 2 (two) questions (20 marks)
4. Giving two examples discuss the components of nutrition diagnosis (10 marks)
5. Describe how you as a nutritionist should terminate a counseling session when counseling pregnant and lactating on mothers infant feeding related complications (10 marks)
6. Describe the different categories of sporting clients who require special attention during nutrition counseling sessions (10 marks)




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