1. If you were to award without negotiations, given the award criteria and the infor Questions pertaining to the price analysis case provided below the questions: 1. If you were to award without negotiations, given the award criteria and the information provided, which offeror would you select for award? Why? 2. The Government estimate was developed assuming that the work would be performed by a contractor located in the Washington, D.C. area, with instructors traveling from Washington to the offering sites. Washington Central proposes to operate in that manner yet the firm’s proposed price is $41,275 less than the Government estimate. What factors do you think affect this difference? 3. The proposal of Washington Independents is $39,286 less than the Government estimate. What factors do you think affect this difference? 4. Los Angeles Quality has the highest proposed price. What factors do you think affect this difference? Review this case carefully and answer the questions at the end of the case in detail. Your agency is contracting for training services to present a course entitled Total Quality for Managers. Offerors are required to submit firm fixed-prices for 40 offerings of the 5-day course, at various locations. Prices must include instructor compensation, travel, and lodging required to present the offerings. Offerings will be presented as outlined below: Location Offerings Pittsburgh, PA 6 Little Rock, AR 5 Dayton, OH 7 Washington, D.C. 11 Detroit, MI 4 New York, NY 5 Los Angeles, CA 2 40 Each offer must include a management plan that demonstrates the location and availability of at least 10 qualified instructors. Each instructor must have a masters degree in engineering, 10 years of successful quality assurance related experience, and four years successful teaching experience. Award criteria state in part: Award will be made to the technically acceptable offeror with the lowest aggregate total price. Four offers were received. The following table summarizes the results of the initial technical evaluation:

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