Your Own Animation In this lab work are asked to write a GUI application using AWT And Swing. Since you are going to have your midterm examination this week, we are going to have a simpler lab work. You are asked to create an animation, however it does not have to be anything specific. You are free to choose what and how you are going to animate, but you have to add buttons to start and stop the animation. The more creative you get, the better grades you are going to get. Submit only 1 file. You are expected to; Have a colored background of your liking.
• At least one shape that is going to be animated.
• This shape should consist of at least 2 polygons (e.g. Mickey had 3 ovals).
• A start and stop button that is going to start and stop the animation.
• After stop button is pressed the frame should freeze.
• You animation should consist of at least 2 of the following transformations; translation, rotation, scaling, color changing.