Clinical Leadership and Governance in nursing

Word Length: 500 words

Due Date:21/3/2022

Relates to Learning Outcomes:1-3


Video # 2: The Mark Green Case

This was an actual clinical case adapted for the video in which a serious clinical error occurred and resulted in a person’s death. The coroner’s report following the inquest identified multiple issues and areas for improvement.
Click on the link below and go to case #2YOU MUST USE THIS CASE STUDY

Medication Safety: Resources

After watching the video, read the following questions and post them into the forum. You must post your response before you can see other posts.

  1. What issues both governance and human factors contributed to the patient’s death?
  2. The new graduate nurse notes a medication error. Based on the Registered Nurse Standards for Practice, how should the new graduate and experienced nurse have handled the situation to promote a safe patient outcome?
  3. If you were the nurse unit manager on the ward where this incident occurred, what actions would you take based on the issues identified by the coroner?

Referencing need to be APA 7 and Australia websites

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