Consider the opportunity of applying for a position with a new organization. What would you like the employer to know about you? How does your Strengths Test accent your potential within that organization? Please clarify your response through examples.My High 5 Results are:1. Self-believer2. Deliverer3. Optimist4. Coach5. Focus Expert
Self-Believer Description
Your objective is to bring confidence. While you might not know what the future is going to bring, it does not disturb you. Somewhere deep in your mind and heart, you know – no matter what happens, you will go through it. This inner confidence and self-motivation allows you to take risks, able to meet new challenges, able to stake claims, and, most important, able to deliver. Your confidence applies not only to abilities but also to judgments. No matter what the situation, you seem to know what the right decision is. In eyes of others, this creates a feeling of certainty, which is crucial for driving decision making process in any team.
Self-Believer Watch Outs
Our strengths can be our greatest asset and natural resource that we can draw on. Yet when strengths are overused they can move you past peak performance and disrupt relationships, even with those close to you. Here are blind spots one needs to be mindful of:
- They rarely allow themselves to be vulnerable, and to receive the gifts and blessings that come along with an open approach.
- They can come across as too intense.
- They can have a blind spot when it comes to how others perceive her and their strengths.
Self-Believer Action Ideas
For many, the biggest mistery of strengths-based development is: how do you take something that is already good and turn it into something even better? This section highlights hands-on action steps for developing your strengths further:
In contrast to Commander strength, Self-Believer works primarily on the internal certainty and capacity of an individual. Even when there are external uncertainties or chaos, people with Self-Believer strength can be confident as long as their inner compass stays focus and rooted.
But here’s the kicker: Self-Believers must watch out for things that may make that inner compass go awry. These are primarily issues that deal with the inner life or the internal certainty of an individual. Examples of such issues are struggles with guilt or unforgiveness towards self and others.
People with Self-Believer strength are more effective when they focus on their knowledge, skills and experience and what they can offer from within them. Doing so is not easy, especially when external factors are not in their favour. But keeping focus often allows Self-Believers to overcome the external setbacks by digging deep into their knowledge, experience, and skill sets.
For example, in a presentation, people with Self-Believer strength are able to perform at a very high level even when technical difficulties or unexpected situations arise. The confidence from within allows them to overcome any setbacks by drawing on their internal strength. Often the ability to influence or to make an impression lies in the confidence shown by the individual who refuses to be overwhelmed by external situations that are not in his/her favour.
Self-Believer Internal Compatibility
Your HIGH5 strengths do not exist in solitude, but rather complement each other forming a unique mix of strengths. The table below demonstrates how each of your HIGH5 strengths expands the impact of the strength in focus. Simply put, two of them in combination can do what each of them was not able to do alone.
SELF-BELIEVER + COACHI fully trust my instincts and confident in my ability to spot the potential in others and help them to develop it furtherSELF-BELIEVER + DELIVERERMy orientation towards delivering high results based on my promises is complemented with the inner confidence that I can actually do itSELF-BELIEVER + FOCUS EXPERTMy ability to focus on things I am most certain of boosts my inner confidence even furtherSELF-BELIEVER + OPTIMISTMy confidence and positive outlook on the future allows me to take risks and act in situations when others won’t
Best Partners For Self-Believer
The best partnerships happen when strengths of two people complement each other. The strengths of one cancel out the other’s weaknesses, and vice versa. Both accomplish together what could not be done separately. Who are these partners for you?
Problem Solvers are usually risk-averse and think deeply into the areas that could go wrong. Partnering with Problem Solvers allows Self-Believers to identify areas of potential challenges. Since people with the Self-Believer strength innately have a great appetite for risks, these partnerships allow for greater clarity of decisions made when it comes to taking ‘calculated’ risks. When it comes to decisions that could potentially affect a huge number of people, a leader with the Self-Believer strength would do well to seek out these partnerships. This allows for a greater level of accountability and governance and makes the decision-making model more robust.
Empathizers are people who are usually more team-oriented or community-based. They use more words such as ‘We’ or ‘Our Team’ as compared to a person with the Self-Believer strength who tends to use words such as ‘I’ or ‘My team’. Partnering with Empathizers allows Self-Believers to grow into a more team-oriented, community-minded individual. This partnership challenges the Self-Believer to be more aware of team dynamics. Decision-making processes can then have greater involvement or input from members of the team. Learning to listen to the concerns of others, including the intuition of others, allows for a more robust decision-making model.
Self-Believer Career Applications
It is important to realize that strengths do not prescribe the right or wrong for you or dictate your career path. Since strengths are applicable across roles and organizations, it is more about the alignment of your strengths with what you do every day. Below you can find ways to strenthen this alignment:
- Seek employment with start-ups that haven’t yet written rulebooks on how to go about creating success.
- Look for environments where you will be challenged to do what might intimidate others and where you will be given a lot of freedom to complete your missions.
- Since you don’t require external direction or supervision, seek environments that would value your independence of thought and action as well as your need to be in control of your own decisions.
- Thanks to your natural ability to create the aura of confidence, consider careers in sales, entertainment, public speaking, or training.
Deliverer Description
Your objective is to take responsibility. If there is a person who is emotionally bound to follow through on all promises – then it’s you. Your strong ethical principles do not let you to simply write missteps off on excuses and rationalizations. It holds true no matter how small or large is the issue you are dealing with. Your name and reputation depend on you being responsible for your commitments. That’s why people love to have you in their team. When assigning new responsibilities, they look at you first. They are 100% sure that what’ll get on your desk – will get done no matter what.
Deliverer Watch Outs
Our strengths can be our greatest asset and natural resource that we can draw on. Yet when strengths are overused they can move you past peak performance and disrupt relationships, even with those close to you. Here are blind spots one needs to be mindful of:
- They can ‘go outside of their own hula-hoop’ and reach into another’s world and take ownership for activities they don’t own.
- They can micro-manage, and even take tasks back that they had previously delegated.
- They can over-commit in many areas in their life.
Deliverer Action Ideas
For many, the biggest mistery of strengths-based development is: how do you take something that is already good and turn it into something even better? This section highlights hands-on action steps for developing your strengths further:
Those with the Deliverer strength tend to say ‘yes’ to others. They hate to reject and constantly feel that being helpful should be a given. This unique wiring wins them many friends. On the other hand, this very trait also causes them much burden and tension. As a person who innately desires to help others, a practical and wise way to avoid unnecessary stress is to quickly ask for time to consider a request. That definitely beats saying ‘no’, an answer that Deliverers dislike giving. With some time to make a decision, careful consideration can be given.
Life is a zero sum game. When something piles up, something else has got to go. Consider carefully what needs to be forsaken in the event you say ‘yes’ to someone. Pay attention to your capacity as well as your own physical and emotional health. Quite commonly, those with the Deliverer strength forsake his or her own time to recharge and rest. Be certain to make your rest a priority. It is not rocket science that the chances of commitments being dropped can increase substantially when one fails to take care of his/her own health.
Deliverers tend to equate trust with tasks being completed. The view that ‘trust needs to be earned’ is a perspective often embraced by someone with the Deliverer strength. However, an alternative view of trust can reduce heartache. The alternative view, ‘trust is to be given’, seeks to value others’ intentions above task completion. Paradoxically, this view creates greater trust in a team. When a person with the Deliverer strength (especially the manager) shows grace to the individual despite his/her inability to complete a task, they can become more motivated to fulfil the commitments they have agreed to because of the trust shown. For Deliverers, such an alternative view of trust also enables one to be more embracing of others who do not have Deliverer as one of their dominant strengths and expands the individual’s capacity to lead by example.
Deliverer Internal Compatibility
Your HIGH5 strengths do not exist in solitude, but rather complement each other forming a unique mix of strengths. The table below demonstrates how each of your HIGH5 strengths expands the impact of the strength in focus. Simply put, two of them in combination can do what each of them was not able to do alone.
DELIVERER + COACHSometimes the best way to develop others is to hold them accountable and responsible for delivering high quality resultsDELIVERER + FOCUS EXPERTI am able to focus solely on what I promised to deliver, which makes me an even better team playerDELIVERER + OPTIMISTDespite being demanding to myself and others, I am able to create a positive outlook and environment around meDELIVERER + SELF-BELIEVERMy orientation towards delivering high results based on my promises is complemented with the inner confidence that I can actually do it
Best Partners For Deliverer
The best partnerships happen when strengths of two people complement each other. The strengths of one cancel out the other’s weaknesses, and vice versa. Both accomplish together what could not be done separately. Who are these partners for you?
Catalysts are often pioneers in their fields, as they get excited about starting new projects and initiatives and enjoy bringing energy and momentum to whatever they do. In contrast, Deliverers enjoy seeing things through to completion, and their high psychological ownership of tasks means that they often bring a great attention to detail to their work. In short, Catalysts like starting new things and doing things fast, whereas Deliverers enjoy following through and doing things right. Such a partnership would empower the individual with the Deliverer strength to broaden his/her perspective on new and exciting projects that can be undertaken, as well as nurture the ability to take calculated risks instead of demanding perfection.
Focus Experts possess a single-mindedness and intense determination to reach their desired goals. This allows them to clear out distractions and concentrate on the task at hand, often allowing them to work on something for long stretches at a time. At the same time, Deliverers have great psychological ownership of whatever they take on, whether in their tasks at work or in the case of a promise they made to a friend. Such a partnership would help the individual with the Deliverer strength clarify the overarching goals they wish to take ownership of, and align their words, actions, and various areas of their lives accordingly.
Deliverer Career Applications
It is important to realize that strengths do not prescribe the right or wrong for you or dictate your career path. Since strengths are applicable across roles and organizations, it is more about the alignment of your strengths with what you do every day. Below you can find ways to strenthen this alignment:
- Look for environments where you can work independently and where you will be given more responsibility over time.
- Thanks to your ability to deliver results, consider roles such as executive assistants or librarians that focus on outcomes rather than the process of reaching them.
- Since following through your commitments to others is of utmost importance to you, choose positions that allow you to fully own the process.
Optimist Description
Your objective is to bring positive spirit. If there is someone believing that the glass is half-full instead of half-empty – then it’s you. Whether it’s a work project or a daily situation – you always manage to find a way to make everything more exciting. You inject enthusiasm into people and that’s why they love to be around with you. Sure, there are people who don’t buy your positivity – but could it set you back? No way! Your optimism simply would not allow it! In a team environment, you are generous with praise, grateful for people and circumstances, and quick to find positive in every situation, which is key in motivating people and mitigating conflicts.
Optimist Watch Outs
Our strengths can be our greatest asset and natural resource that we can draw on. Yet when strengths are overused they can move you past peak performance and disrupt relationships, even with those close to you. Here are blind spots one needs to be mindful of:
- They can be operating in a mode of denial rather than hope.
- They can briefly lose sight of their Optimistic view, and the emotional impact of this swing can have a ripple effect with the team.
- Instead of connecting or providing inspiration, overly large outbursts of optimism can overwhelm others.
Optimist Action Ideas
For many, the biggest mistery of strengths-based development is: how do you take something that is already good and turn it into something even better? This section highlights hands-on action steps for developing your strengths further:
Optimism comes out best when the mind is free from worry. Even those with Optimist strength can find it hard to focus on positive thinking when their minds are bombarded with anxiety! It is easy to become anxious in a world where the list of demands keeps growing. People feel like they have ‘not enough’ – not enough time, not enough talent, not enough resources – and comparison with others fuels anxieties and unnecessary worries.
One practical way to resist the ‘lack’ mentality is to find something to give thanks for every day. This discipline helps one to be grateful for the things they have and reduces the temptation of constantly wanting more. By developing an attitude of gratitude, those with Optimist strength empower themselves to keep their spirits high. They can then be the voice of hope and encouragement to many, especially those overwhelmed by (often unnecessary) worries.
People with Optimist strength can be easily drained and affected by those who regularly exhibit toxic behaviors. Naysayers typically use words that are unkind, malicious and critical. They are constantly complaining, which can drain others emotionally and mentally. With naysayers, even encouragements can be labelled as pretentious and affirmations seen as flattery.
Optimists would do well to avoid naysayers and to engage them 1-1 only when necessary. In situations when naysayers cannot be avoided, it would be helpful for people with Optimist strength to build in a feedback mechanism by inviting close friends or trusted aides to sound out if they sense that the positive energy and the optimistic spirit is lacking. With greater awareness, Optimists can become more aware of how much engagement with different naysayers can dampen their spirit. Engagement levels in terms of time and intensity with these naysayers can then be adjusted accordingly.
Optimist Internal Compatibility
Your HIGH5 strengths do not exist in solitude, but rather complement each other forming a unique mix of strengths. The table below demonstrates how each of your HIGH5 strengths expands the impact of the strength in focus. Simply put, two of them in combination can do what each of them was not able to do alone.
OPTIMIST + COACHI am able to inspire and encourage growth, because I am excited about any baby steps a person is doing towards their potentialOPTIMIST + DELIVERERDespite being demanding to myself and others, I am able to create a positive outlook and environment around meOPTIMIST + FOCUS EXPERTUnlike others, I am able to have lots of fun in the process and to stay focused on immediate tasks and final objectivesOPTIMIST + SELF-BELIEVERMy confidence and positive outlook on the future allows me to take risks and act in situations when others won’t
Best Partners For Optimist
The best partnerships happen when strengths of two people complement each other. The strengths of one cancel out the other’s weaknesses, and vice versa. Both accomplish together what could not be done separately. Who are these partners for you?
People with Commander strength create clarity for themselves and for others by polarizing right and wrong behaviors. They give their frank and objective assessments when deciding who to trust. Sometimes, they are misread as being heartless. People with Optimist strength prefer to see the good in people and are often more trusting. Sometimes, they are misread as being naive. A partnership between Commanders and Optimists creates a powerful dynamic that helps overcome each other’s blind spots.
People with Problem Solver strength are able to spot and tackle problems that arise. In contrast, Optimists are able to be good cheerleaders who strive to keep team morale high. Such a partnership helps to keep the team’s spirit up even while addressing problems, so that team members don’t become demotivated when facing challenges.
Optimist Career Applications
It is important to realize that strengths do not prescribe the right or wrong for you or dictate your career path. Since strengths are applicable across roles and organizations, it is more about the alignment of your strengths with what you do every day. Below you can find ways to strenthen this alignment:
- While many would prefer it, having a positive and fun working environment is particularly important for Optimists to reinforce their hopeful view of the future.
- Relaxed, social, pleasant environments, as opposed to cynic and deficit-focused, is where your positivity and sense of humor will be appreciated the most.
- Choose careers from hostessing to senior management where you can motivate others by sharing your positive energy with them and encouraging them in their pursuits.
Coach Description
Your objective is to develop people’s potential. Contrary to what others might think, you believe that every person has the potential for development. None of the people have achieved the ultimate level of excellence – there is always space to grow. You perceive it as a personal mission to help others utilize their potential and to experience success. As the result, you look for ways to facilitate their learning process – from challenging their thoughts in a discussion to creating environments which would facilitate learning process. You are one of those leaders that really care about the development of team members and they really appreciate it.
Coach Watch Outs
Our strengths can be our greatest asset and natural resource that we can draw on. Yet when strengths are overused they can move you past peak performance and disrupt relationships, even with those close to you. Here are blind spots one needs to be mindful of:
- They can stay too long in a situation that is not turning itself around.
- They need to realize that they can’t furnish motivation or make choices for their team members.
- They need to watch out that they doesn’t sacrifice the development of the high performer who is exceeding expectations, in favor of the lower performer who requires more attention.
- They can be too persnickety – choosing when to accept and when to stretch her team members.
Coach Action Ideas
For many, the biggest mistery of strengths-based development is: how do you take something that is already good and turn it into something even better? This section highlights hands-on action steps for developing your strengths further:
While being a Coach means there is an innate desire to see others grow, it requires intentionality and taking active steps to invest into the lives of others. For Coaches to grow towards maturity, it is important to be doing what they do best – developing people. Be proactive in identifying people around you that you can mentor or coach. This could be people at work or people in the community. Start by building a relationship. Share your personal success stories and also failures. Impart skills.
When imparting skills, consider this 6-step process in developing others: tell them what the skills are for, tell them why the skill set is important, show them how to execute, let them execute on their own, debrief the experience with them, and encourage them to teach others.
In a mentoring or coaching relationship, identify growth milestones. Milestones can start from completing certain activities such as ‘facilitate a team discussion’ or ‘share a 5-minute presentation’ to a more advanced level of ‘teach someone to facilitate a team discussion.’ For every milestone that is reached, a Coach would do well to celebrate the success of the mentee.
There is a saying that goes, ‘You cannot lead others until you can lead yourself.’ As a Coach, it is important to ensure that you are making good progress to grow yourself. The sense of personal growth provides the impetus to share the growth journey with others. Many Coaches struggle to grow this talent because the lack of personal development. There are a variety of ways to grow oneself. It can be learning from others who are inspiring and finding a personal mentor or coach. It can also mean having the discipline of reading or journaling. Growing oneself is also about establishing a system of personal development that is customized to suit the individual. Be committed to grow yourself in order to grow others.
Coach Internal Compatibility
Your HIGH5 strengths do not exist in solitude, but rather complement each other forming a unique mix of strengths. The table below demonstrates how each of your HIGH5 strengths expands the impact of the strength in focus. Simply put, two of them in combination can do what each of them was not able to do alone.
COACH + DELIVERERSometimes the best way to develop others is to hold them accountable and responsible for delivering high quality resultsCOACH + FOCUS EXPERTI am able to help others to focus on an important goal or on reaching their growth potentialCOACH + OPTIMISTI am able to inspire and encourage growth, because I am excited about any baby steps a person is doing towards their potentialCOACH + SELF-BELIEVERI fully trust my instincts and confident in my ability to spot the potential in others and help them to develop it further
Best Partners For Coach
The best partnerships happen when strengths of two people complement each other. The strengths of one cancel out the other’s weaknesses, and vice versa. Both accomplish together what could not be done separately. Who are these partners for you?
Catalysts love to start new initiatives and help a team build momentum. In short, they push others forward. Coaches have a nurturing heart and desire to lend a hand to those who might be struggling. In short, they pull others forward. In a team, such a partnership gives the team a unique edge in empowerment. Those who are motivated and driven will be challenged by the Catalysts to push forward. Those who might be weaker will have the opportunity to learn and grow and be mentored by the Coaches.
People with the love to learn and the curious mind are those who love to collect and share resources to empower others. Partnering with Philomaths allows Coaches to find the different resources that they might need to equip those they are mentoring or coaching. This is helpful especially for people who are new to a subject or to an environment. Resources such as a standard operating procedure or a learning guide can be easily obtained from those with Input and shared accordingly. Such resources empower Coaches to be more effective in growing others.
Coach Career Applications
It is important to realize that strengths do not prescribe the right or wrong for you or dictate your career path. Since strengths are applicable across roles and organizations, it is more about the alignment of your strengths with what you do every day. Below you can find ways to strenthen this alignment:
- Look for roles like trainers, counselors, teachers, or human resource managers which involve helping others recognize and reach their potential.
- Environments where the focus is on interpersonal interaction and teambuilding and where collaboration is valued more than competition will likely help you flourish.
- Seek careers in roles that provide some kind of service to people or in organizations where the core activities are aimed at helping others succeed.
Focus Expert Description
Your objective is to focus on the most important things. To keep the focus you need something to focus on – therefore, weekly, monthly, annual goals are your biggest friends. Goals also help you to filter out what is important and what is not. You ask yourself every day if what you are doing brings you closer to your destination and lack of such a destination can create real confusion in your mind. As the result, the others see you as a very efficient and self-regulated person. It also makes you a very valuable team member. If anyone starts to wander around exploring side avenues, you quickly bring them back to the main road and to the point.
Focus Expert Watch Outs
Our strengths can be our greatest asset and natural resource that we can draw on. Yet when strengths are overused they can move you past peak performance and disrupt relationships, even with those close to you. Here are blind spots one needs to be mindful of:
- Focus Expert leaders can be intense, with a sharp edge and energy.
- They can be inflexible and impatient with perceived delays, obstacles, and tangents.
- They can focus on tasks and not people. They have an acute time awareness, and sometimes their elimination of distractions can make an ‘eliminated’ person feel invisible.
- They give their attention to what they choose to give their attention to. If their attention gets diverted, it can take time to get it back.
- They can de-prioritize tasks to the point that they ignore them longer than they should.
Focus Expert Action Ideas
For many, the biggest mistery of strengths-based development is: how do you take something that is already good and turn it into something even better? This section highlights hands-on action steps for developing your strengths further:
On the surface, it often seems that the Focus Expert strength is about filtering out distractions and maintaining their attention on a particular task for long periods of time. Counterintuitively, however, what is of utmost importance is the ability to cultivate the awareness of what truly matters.
This natural ability to prioritize and act can also be brought beyond tasks and into people development. The person with Focus Expert strength can develop a great ability to be self-aware and identify key areas to grow in.
Daniel Goleman, author of ‘The Focused Leader’, writes that a person needs to develop in three areas of focus in order to have a greater propensity in leadership development: an inward focus, a focus on others, and a focus on the wider world. The first two help to build emotional intelligence, while the third area of focus helps in remaining relevant in a fast-changing global landscape. When Focus Experts are constantly zooming into one of these three areas of personal development, they grow in their insights into what truly matters.
While it is natural for people with the Focus Expert strength to have an intense level of concentration, it is not necessarily natural for them to start off on the right track. One of the key skills for Focus Experts to pick up is the ability to start with clear outcomes in mind and select the right path. For Focus Experts, the danger of starting on the wrong path can often result in a great loss of time and opportunities. The ability to have deep concentration, unfortunately, also often leads to tunnel vision, and they can fail to quickly recognize when the wrong path has been taken.
To build on the above, it might be inevitable that people with the Focus Expert strength set up a personalized system to review at regular intervals, to specify the needed actions in order to keep going towards the goal.
Focus Expert Internal Compatibility
Your HIGH5 strengths do not exist in solitude, but rather complement each other forming a unique mix of strengths. The table below demonstrates how each of your HIGH5 strengths expands the impact of the strength in focus. Simply put, two of them in combination can do what each of them was not able to do alone.
FOCUS EXPERT + COACHI am able to help others to focus on an important goal or on reaching their growth potentialFOCUS EXPERT + DELIVERERI am able to focus solely on what I promised to deliver, which makes me an even better team playerFOCUS EXPERT + OPTIMISTUnlike others, I am able to have lots of fun in the process and to stay focused on immediate tasks and final objectivesFOCUS EXPERT + SELF-BELIEVERMy ability to focus on things I am most certain of boosts my inner confidence even further
Best Partners For Focus Expert
The best partnerships happen when strengths of two people complement each other. The strengths of one cancel out the other’s weaknesses, and vice versa. Both accomplish together what could not be done separately. Who are these partners for you?
People with the Chameleon strength enjoy dynamic environments and react very well to changes. They are also known to be people who are ‘present’. In contrast, people with the Focus Expert strength may often be slow to respond to the sudden needs of others because of the need to focus on getting tasks done. Such a partnership allows the person with the Focus Expert strength to be sharpened the same way that iron sharpens iron.
Strategists enjoy zooming out to try to see the larger picture to understand as well as try to connect the dots. They seek to understand how ideas are linked or how integration and cooperation between certain groups of people can yield better results. In contrast, people with the Focus Expert strength prefer to zoom in and focus on prioritising the important tasks, as work demands often portray most tasks to be urgent and important. Focus Experts prefer to filter out the not-so-important tasks in order to quickly complete the important ones and achieve the desired outcome. Such a partnership generates discussions in which both the macro factors are considered and priorities are identified in order to reach the desired outcomes.
Focus Expert Career Applications
It is important to realize that strengths do not prescribe the right or wrong for you or dictate your career path. Since strengths are applicable across roles and organizations, it is more about the alignment of your strengths with what you do every day. Below you can find ways to strenthen this alignment:
- Look for environments where you can focus and concentrate without interruptions or without the need to multi-task.
- Structured environments that are predictable with respect to both day-to-day basis and long-term career trajectory will help you reach your goals.
- Thanks to your ability to keep yourself on track, you will work best in environments with minimal supervision.
- Roles that have clearly defined goals, purposes, and objectives will bring out your best.