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  1. Blog theme

A blog is about your opinion about a problem, a question, an event, a book or report.
The topic for your blog has to be chosen from a list of three themes / questions.For your blog you only select one of the following themes.
Question/ theme 1:
Are the numbers of prisoners in Australia too high/ too low or just right?
Select one of the possibilities and write your blog about it.
Question/ theme 2:
Which country would I choose as a model for Australia’s prisons/ which country would I NOT choose?
Choose first, whether you want to write about a country that is a model OR a country that is NOT a model. Then choose the respective country and argue your case.
Question/ theme 3:
Which transnational crimes cause most damage and harm in Australia?
Choose one or two transnational crimes and argue your case. You can also argue which crimes do not cause a lot of harm and damage.

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