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Assessment 3: Research paper

Assessment 3: Research paper

Length: 2,500 – 3,000 words

Task :Prepare a research paper based on a health informatics topic chosen from the list below. You must research the topic, synthesise the findings and apply to the management of health services and/or systems. The research paper can include headings, sub-headings and tables can be used to present finding.

Description:: This assessment provides students with the opportunity to conduct a small-scale literature review, leading to a conclusion about the current state of knowledge on the topic area and with further questions that may need to be addressed.

Topics : Choose 1 topic from below. Only one topic is to be selected.

Organisational challenges of adopting health information systems. From the literature identify four challenges to information systems adoption and explain how they can be addressed to ensure a successful uptake of the system to deliver benefits to the organisation, patients or funders.

Health Informatics Ethical and Consumer IssuesFrom the literature identify, prioritise and explain the key ethical issues involved in information systems, their use in health care organisations and their adoption. Critically analyse the impacts of these issues and how they might be addressed by a health services manager.

Electronic Medical/Health RecordsFrom the literature justify the benefits and uses for electronic health records and electronic medical records. Distinguish between the longitudinal health record and the organisation specific record. Argue the case for each from a societal and organisational view point.

Information strategy From the literature identify how an organisation might build an information strategy and the options for systems acquisition. Critically analyse the role of strategy, planning and how to best ensure that organisational and user needs are met. Synthesise the key concerns for health service managers or those briefed with carriage of information strategy and direction.

Marking Criteria

Assessments will be marked based on the weightings below :.

  • Critical evaluation and relevance of discussion (40%),
  • Demonstrated understanding of key health informatics concepts (40%)
  • Organisation and written presentation (10%),
  • Supporting use of literature and referencing (10%).

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