For this task you are required to review and describe the objectives of the simulated organisation. You will then need to research other organisations with similar objectives and explore the potential of networking together. Also, you need to investigate the various opportunities that exist for networking and connection with identified organisations. The feasibility of these opportunities will need to be evaluated and the recommended approaches required to engage with the identified organisation will need to be described. These findings will need to be presented to your manager in a written report. Procedure

  1. Review the CoffeeVille mission statement.

Vision Statement
Coffeeville aims to deliver Sydney’s finest casual café-going experience for busy professionals. In three years, the business will have established a presence a cross the Sydney CBD, with the opening of additional cafes.
Mission Statement
Coffeeville serves competitively priced, high quality coffee and gourmet food in a safe and comfortable café-style environment. Our friendly, well-trained staff provide superior customer service.

  1. Research and identify three organisations with the potential to help CoffeeVille achieve its objectives.
  2. For each of the identified organisations, briefly describe the benefits to CoffeeVille of establishing a network relationship with them.
  3. Rank the identified organisations, according to greatest perceived benefits to CoffeeVille. For the top organisation in your ranking, describe:
    1. how the network relationship can be established
    2. approaches that should be taken to engage with the identified organisation
    3. the benefits for CoffeeVille from the relationship
    4. the value the relationship brings to CoffeeVille
    5. the cost of establishing the relationship – including a proposed budget in spreadsheet format indicating incurred costs
    6. the barriers to establishing the relationship
    7. maintain contact and the relationship with them
    8. measure and record the progress of the relationship against the KPIs
    9. provide feedback to your organisation about the progress of the networking relationship
  4. submit a written report, outlining your responses to the above.

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