Assignment #1: Personal Philosophy Paper(value 25%) The purpose of this assignment is to review and reflect on your own personal values and beliefs that may shape how you interpret and analysis this ethical issue. Gaining a better understanding of how your belief system s evolved may assist in developing greater understanding of the multitude of viewpoints regarding ethics,culture,and global health. The paper should address any influences in your life that you believe have shaped your position on ethics in relation to the theories of Utilitarianism, Deontology, and Virtue-based ethics. The paper requires that you discuss each of the three ethica l theories and provide your support or rejection of the theory based on your own value system. Also required is reflection upon your own: heritage, ethnicity, culture, family, religion, community,e ducation,and socioeconomic background which may Generated have shaped your beliefs. The paper should be 5-6 pages in length to a maximum of 6 pages (1500 words)not including title page, references or appendixes, and should followAPA7th ed. and DHSc writing guidelines. The paper must include the DHSc title page; introduction; conclusion; headings; and at least six current, peer-reviewed references.



I am Cuban-American so my experience is in the Caribbean region regarding infectious diseases such as TB, Dengue, dysentery, influenza or malnutrition or common sexual diseases. My value value system is based in the Virtue-based ethics followed by Deontology. My ethnicity . Hispanic, community latino, education Public health and Biolgy. The included information might help with that part.

The references which are least 6 should be no more than 5 years old, and the DHSc writing guidelines are the regular for a master level.

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