Queen Margaret University (QMU) in Edinburgh teaches a whole range of degree courses, and its academics are involved in many different types of research – ranging from research by health professionals into how to manage pain to research in the drama school into the role of the pantomime dame. Clearly, then, the way in which such disparate areas will communicate with both internal and external stakeholders will be very different – and it would be inappropriate to impose a homogeneous approach on everyone. At the same time, though, it’s important that people have a clear image or idea of what QMU is and does – so how should the corporate communication team guide communication to achieve a consistent image or reputation? The answer is to identify shared values and common starting points (CSPs), which in this case focus everyone’s activities on ‘relevance’, ‘addressing society ’s needs’ and ‘developing knowledge which touches people’s everyday lives’. So at QMU the institution details that its shared values are:

■ development of academic excellence in service to the community;

■ social responsibility towards all of the communities we serve, demonstrating respect, care, social justice, equality and fairness;

■ concern for the environment and sustainable use of natural resources; and

■ commitment to continuous improvement in all we do. And the common end points (CEPs) include:

■ We will be known for delivering inter-professional education and research that has the well-being of the person in mind at all times; this will be achieved through inter-disciplinary working and research.

■ Our inter-professional education and research will allow us to work within and across academic and practice areas, cross-fertilising thinking and facilitating the development of joined-up solutions. Our inter-disciplinary approach will help encourage professional groups to work better together for the benefit of others.

■ The education and research that we provide will be industry-relevant, guided by the needs of society for high quality and socially responsible industry, the professions we serve, the local community and society as a whole.



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