1. Please describe the company, its major history. List and discuss revenues by different business units and global regions for the past ten years. Conduct trend analysis on revenues and profits before and after Douglas Conant.
  2. Mr. Douglas Conant fixed the company. Please describe how he conducted the SWOT analysis and what major findings were. What were his business strategies according to his SWOT analysis results? (Use the Textbook as well as other web-based sources.)
  3. In 2007, he did a new three-year plan. Summarize major SWOT results and strategies. Use the information from the textbook). Compare revenues and profits before and after Douglas Conant.
  4. What are Campbell Soup’s critical success factors? What are Campbell Soup’s current strategies to address its future challenges?
  5. Summarize the entire paper and list what you have learned from this research.

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