Create a project and name the source file final followed by your initials



void displayMenu()to print the menu

1 to add two items

2 to subtract two numbers

3 to multiple two numbers

4 to divide two numbers

5 to get average of 5 numbers

6 to format a phone number

X to exit

Gets a menu selection that does the following

Char getSelection();

Uses a do while loop and switch to get and validate the selection

Prints and error message is user inputs a wrong selection

Make sure to use toupper()

Use switch


Int getPosNumber();

Used to get a positive number

The number should be input using getline string and coverted to an integer

using stoi

Use getPosNumber()to get all number

int sum();

int difference();

int product();

double quotient();

double average();

string getPhoneNumber()

gets a 10 digit phonenumber using getline

string formatPhone()

formats the 10 digit string to (xxx)-xxx-xxx

use string insert to format

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