For this assignment, you will first recall the number of the topic, numbered 1 through 7, which you selected for the Website Evaluation assignment earlier in the semester. You must now match that number you chose earlier with the numbered term paper topic, below. You cannot choose a different topic; your topic must be numbered the same as your Website Evaluation topic. Locate and read that topic, as follows. Write an essay, in which you critically discuss that same topic:

  1. Frederick Douglass declared, “The work does not end with the abolition of slavery, but only begins.” In a thoughtful essay, discuss what you foresee as the work that will need to be done to secure freedom and liberty to the ex-slaves. Is emancipation enough? Why or why not?

How to work on this essay:
Consult relevant literature to help you gather information. Think of answers that argue in favor of all perspectives considering the essay question set. Then, plan your answer. Think of strong points to support your argument. You must use a minimum of seven credible sources, which you will cite using Chicago Style endnotes and bibliographic entries. You may use as many electronic and non-electronic sources as you wish; however, they must all be

credible sources. You will need to consult many sources if you wish to earn a higher grade.
Your essay must follow the following criteria:
*Font: Times New Roman

*Font size: 12
*Lines should be double-spaced. Margins on the top, bottom, and sides of the pages should be one inch in length.
*There should be no pictures, diagrams, maps, or other images on any pages. *The page number should be at the bottom center of each page.
*You submit your final polished essay.
*Word limits: a minimum of 2,500 words and a maximum of 25,000 words. The bibliography and endnotes are excluded from the word count. Essays with too many or too few words will be penalized: 20% off the assignment grade in addition to forfeiting pro-rated points for length.
*Do not use a cover page. The subject heading should be titled “HIST 1301 Term Paper Assignment” followed by your name.
How to submit your term paper:**
Submit your term paper as a single MS Word or PDF document. Click the Research Project Part 2: Term Paper link, above. Scroll down to find the
Assignment Submission drop box. Drag and drop your evaluation forms into the drop box, or browse and upload them there. Be sure to click Submit.
It is strongly suggested that you:
Do not procrastinate.
Write your introduction and conclusions last.
Finish your essay at least five days before the due date, leave it for two days, and then re-visit it for revision before submitting it.
**Submission of the assignment assumes that you, the student, have read and agreed with the institutional academic policy on plagiarism.

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