1. Regularization for Maximum Likelihood: Consider the following regularized loss minimization: 1 m _m i=1 log(1/ θ [xi ])+ 1 _ log(1)+log(1/(1−θ)) _

. _ Show that the preceding objective is equivalent to the usual empirical error had we added two pseudoexamples to the training set. Conclude that the regularized maximum likelihood estimator would be _ Derive a high probability bound on |ˆθ θ_|. Hint: Rewrite this as |ˆθ −E[ˆθ ]+ E[ˆθ ]−θ_| and then use the triangle inequality and Hoeffding inequality. _ Use this to bound the true risk. Hint: Use the fact that now ˆθ ≥ 1 m+2 to relate |ˆθ θ_| to the relative entropy.

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