1.Which one of the following R packages is used for data management?
(a) haven (b) igraph
(c) slidify (d) forecast
2. Which one of the following R packages is used for data visualisation?
(a) haven (b) igraph
(c) slidify (d) forecast
3. Which one of the following R packages is used for data products?
(a) haven (b) igraph
(c) slidify (d) forecast
4. Which one of the following R packages is used for data modelling and simulation?
(a) haven (b) igraph
(c) slidify (d) forecast
5. The functionalities of R are divided among:
(a) Packages (b) Domains
(c) Libraries (d) None of these
6. What is R? What are the advantages of R programming language over other general purpose
programming languages?
7. How can we install a package on R?
8. Give examples of two IDEs for R.