What are the six steps of evidence-based management? Briefly describe each. 2. Suppose an organisation had a list of six interventions they wished to implement. Describe an approach for prioritising items on the list. 3. Describe an approach for how you should deal with different types of stakeholder when working on an organisational problem. 4. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of surveys as a data collection method? 5. What are two types of visualisation that could be used to compare continuous data (e.g., ratings of job satisfaction) between two groups (e.g., full-time vs. part-time employees)? Describe the advantages and disadvantages. 6. There are many HR metrics available. Describe an organising framework for classifying HR metrics. Outline the different categories, and provide two examples of metrics associated with each category. 7. In a simple regression analysis between two variables (X as the predictor, Y as the outcome), what is the intercept? What is the slope? Provide an example of a regression analysis, and explain how you would interpret it to a manager.
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