Developing an Ethical Culture Prior to beginning your assignment, read Chapters 7 and 8 of the textbook, andCreating an ethical workplace(Links to an external site.). For this assignment, you will take on the role of a mid-level organizational manager. In your current job role, you have noticed that the organizational culture is contributing to some unethical decision making by subordinates and peers. You feel strongly that leadership must be not only made aware of the situation but also given appropriate solutions. To communicate with the CEO and shareholders, you must create a memo. In the memo, you will explain the issues, as well as offer appropriate solutions. For help in the format and writing style of a memo useGood example of a persuasive memo.
In your memo include:

  • Header: with To, From, Date, and Subject
  • Introductory paragraph
  • One to two paragraphs outlining the issues.
  • Three to six paragraphs describing solutions
  • A closing paragraph that summarizes the information.

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