In a proposed pipeline a steady flow of water (K = 2100 ¥ 106N/m2 ) will exist at a velocity of 2.5m/s. The intention is to use 0.3m internal diameter PVC pipes (E = 26 ¥ 108N/m2 , wall thickness d = 20mm). (a) Calculate the wave celerity cP in the pipe assuming c = 1450m/s. (b) Calculate the additional surge head DH that will be experienced following an instantaneous valve closure. (c) If the maximum static head on the pipeline is 9m and the maximum working pressure of PVC pipes is 150m of water, determine whether or not PVC is suitable for this application. (d) If the pipeline is to be 100m long, draw the head–time graph at the valve.

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Select an organisation with which you have had personal involvement. This will most often be a work organisation but it could also be a non-governmental organisation in which you have participated. The important requirement is for you to have extensive personal knowledge of the organisation. In short, you will be very familiar with the way the organisation works, its culture and structure, and what is expected of organisational participants. What you will do in this assignment is to scrutinise this mostly unstructured knowledge and provide a systematic picture of leadership in the organisation. Write a reflective, first-person essay (1,000 words) on this organisation, reflecting on the nature and practice of leadership in the organisation. Your reflections should be analytical and systematic, that is, not simply unsupported assertions and personal gripes and biases. There is no template for this essay but you could focus on a particular leadership episode, a series of events or leadership more broadly in the chosen organisation. Your analysis could cover such topics as leadership selection, leadership succession, the practice of leadership, leadership capabilities, leader-follower relations, organisational culture and leadership, power distribution, gender and leadership, and communications

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