From EET 209 Lab 3

1. properly formatted program comment header (see details below)

2. report objective (your own words) (at least 3 sentences)

3. Procedure (One short concise paragraph)

4. Observation/Conclusion (discuss points of learning) (~4- 6 sentences) as required in lab instructions


In writing these 3 components, use concise, specific, simple and plain English. Avoid use of any technical terms associated with the writing or implementation of your program that can be understood by those not familiar with programming. The description should be a short statement on the program’s purpose or function. However, don’t over prioritize conciseness at the expense of details. Details are necessary and must be balance with a concise delivery.

Use the program comment header format required by your EET instructor which should generally follow the outline below:

1. Author

2. Date

3. Class

4. Section

5. Assignment

6. Description

You may turn in the same document (report) you submit to Professor if it satisfies these criteria. Otherwise you may submit a document that includes just the components required for this assignment. However, be mindful the considerations we discuss in this course should be applied for the documents submitted to Professor.

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