Question 1: Describe the key features of the case study you have chosen. (Approx. 200 words)
? Who are the key actors within the case and what was their role? (ie. victims, offenders,
context, including relevant guardians/actors/stakeholders)
? What is the outcome, cost and/or consequences of the case?
Question 2: What is the type of cyber fraud that has perpetrated in the case study? (Approx.
300 words)
? Provide an overview and explanation (supported with academic literature) of the
category/type of cyber fraud that has been perpetrated in the case study.
Question 3: Choose ONE criminological theory discussed in the course (7055CCJ) and use it to
analyse the chosen case study (use empirical literature to support your answer to this question).
(Approx. 500 words)
? What theory have you chosen?
? Provide a brief overview/description of the chosen criminological theory, what are its major
theoretical tenets?
? Describe how the theory and its elements can be used to understand and analyse the chosen
case study. Apply the major theoretical tenets of the theory to the elements of the case study.
Question 4: Based on the criminological theory (chosen in Question 3, above) identify at least 2
crime prevention strategies that could have been used to prevent or disrupt the cyber fraud
identified in the case study (use empirical literature to support your answer to this question).
(Approx. 500 words)
? Identifies and clearly explains at least 2 crime prevention strategies that have been linked and
drawn from the theory and analysis presented in the previous question (Question 3).
? Explicit links are drawn from theory to crime prevention strategies and are linked to the case

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