A key aspect of marketing is the identification and targeting of customer segments with suitable value propositions. Effective segments are differentiated and identifiable, contactable with marketing messaging and campaigns and large enough to be profitable and justify the marketing expenditure. Successful businesses review and analyse the broad marketplace and deliberately select which segments to target. Part of this process also identifies which segments NOT to target. Good segmentation effectively allocates company resources to have the greatest impact and chance of success. Task: Select one of the following three industries and companies operating in the Australian market: Hilton Hotels, Toyota Motor Company, or McDonalds and research and write a report on the businesses’ marketing segmentation strategy. Part 1: Write a brief profile of the business Part 2: Identify and describe three (3) key segments that this business actively targets Part 3: Detail and describe the marketing mix (4Ps – Product, Price, Place, Promotion) used to target each segment Part 4: Identify one additional segment that the business as decided not to target and describe why you believe this decision has been made. Length: 1000 – 1200 words Research Tips 1) Visit the company website 2) Read company annual report and new releases 3) Search for, review and analyse company advertising material (television, print and online ads) 4) Research and read industry articles about company marketing activities and campaigns

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