Summary – What did the research find (major outcomes) and how did it gather the data to make these conclusions? Eg who was involved in the study? (description of participants, number of participants), country of study and other relevant contextual information.
Qualitative or quantitative method (or a combination?) – and what specific type – eg interviews/questionnaires/on-line/face-to-face
Evaluation – Is this article credible? What type of research was undertaken (interpretivistic or positivistic or pluralistic (combination of methods), is the context similar to the Australian marketplace? Does the sampling method and sample size mean that results can be generalised to your area of interest? Was the sample representative or everyday consumers? Were there significant limitations in this research?
Reflection – How does the information from this article inform your managerial recommendations for this specific essay question? What else could have been done beyond the research in this article to improve the study’s usefulness in answering your essay question?

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