Directions: Use Packet Tracer to complete the following labs. Answer the questions and record screenshots in a Word document labeled firstInitial+LastName+IOS.
Execute this lab according to the following guidelines:
- Set up a server and activate the TFTP server process. Your IOS file is already on the server.
IOS Installation and Upgrade Procedures
Step 1: Select a Cisco IOS Software Image (do not use the IE browser as it does not support this resource)
- Memory requirement: The router should have sufficient disk or flash memory to store the Cisco IOS. The router should also have sufficient memory (DRAM) to run the Cisco IOS. If the router does not have sufficient memory (DRAM), the router will have boot problems when it boots through the new Cisco IOS.
- Interfaces and modules support: You must ensure that the new Cisco IOS supports all the interfaces and modules in the router.
- Software feature support: You must ensure that the new Cisco IOS supports the features used with the old Cisco IOS.
Step 2: Identify the Router File System to Copy the Image
- The show file system command output shows the list of file systems available on the router.
Step 3: Prepare for the Upgrade
- If the router has sufficient memory (flash, slot or disk), you can store both the old Cisco IOS and the new Cisco IOS. You can boot the router in the ROMMON mode and boot the old Cisco IOS in case of boot failure with new Cisco IOS. This method saves time if you must roll back the Cisco IOS.
- Backup the configuration from the router because some of the Cisco IOS releases add default configurations. This newly added configuration may conflict with your current configuration. Compare the configuration of the router after the Cisco IOS.
Step 4: Copy the IOS image to the Router
- Upgrade the new image from a TFTP server. Use the copy tftp: flash: command in order to copy the image from TFTP server to the flash.
Step 5: Verify the Cisco IOS Image in the File System
- Verify the Cisco IOS Image in the File System
Step 6: Verify the Configuration Register
- Verify the Configuration Register
- config-register value—Use the show version command in order to check this value. The value is displayed in the last line of the show version output. It should be set to 0x2102.
Step 7: Verify the Boot Variable
- IOS image in the flash—If the first file in the Flash is not the Cisco IOS Software image, but a configuration file, or something else, then you need to configure a boot system statement in order to boot the specified image. Otherwise, the router tries to boot with the configuration file or the first file in the Flash, which does not work. If there is only one file in the Flash and it is the Cisco IOS Software image, this step is not necessary.
Step 8: Save the Configuration and Reload the Router
- Verify the Cisco IOS Upgrade.
- Verify that the router runs with the proper image.
- After the reload is complete, the router should run the desired Cisco IOS Software image. Use the show version command to verify the Cisco IOS software.
Configure TFTP Backups
- Backup the new image to a TFTP server. Use the copy flash: tftp: command in order to copy the image from the flash to the TFTP server.