In this assignment, you will write a program to process credit card and transaction records and identify
fraudulent transactions. Note that you do not need to be an anti-fraud expert to complete this assignment.
You are given a list of credit card records and transactions to be processed in the following format.
3tu2iywy 10000 800
ceww0p66 150 100
v0xyil5t 3000 500
vb3dtxp0 5000 300
xnwxw8tl 2000 800
v5buvljyh0lg vb3dtxp0 2020:04:07:03:50:45 42
1yuy3noa2uxu xnwxw8tl 2020:04:08:04:16:20 729
gl3utnnwxf49 xnwxw8tl 2020:04:08:05:39:00 670
9mopqy3snk3h ceww0p66 2020:04:15:08:06:49 86
6hjqaydtmrq5 vb3dtxp0 2020:04:15:10:09:50 213
mlgtqk8oo74e ceww0p66 2020:04:15:13:45:29 95
u7s604f0u6bz xnwxw8tl 2020:04:22:15:30:43 799
2siil57yqe5k vb3dtxp0 2020:04:23:17:26:20 573
vzdg2z09t7zp v0xyil5t 2020:04:29:18:03:00 3489
n6lcvjyrhvwt 3tu2iywy 2020:04:29:23:07:00 4592

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