Dissertation Literature Review

What is a Dissertation Literature Review?

In simple words, a dissertation literature review is a critical examination of all the literature that you have collected for your search. This practice’s main objective is to identify the gaps that essentially will be your primal focus in the research. Some researchers require only a summary of the literature review while in some cases you have to explain the text by providing some counter-arguments.


Importance of a Dissertation Literature Review

The dissertation literature review can be regarded as a central point of any academic research where you show your intended audience that:

♦ You have done your homework and have a deep understanding of the previous research.

♦ You are well aware of the challenges that other researchers have faced in the past.

♦ It indicates the relevancy of your topic with the literature.

♦ This is a good way to justify the arguments that you have raised while looking at the research from different timelines.


How to write a dissertation literature review?

In order to write down a dissertation literature review, you have to follow a step by step process that is listed below;


Scrutinize Resources for Review

You cannot write a review of every research that has ever been conducted. Therefore, be careful when collecting all resources it books, articles or journals.


Take a Deep Look

After you have collected all the data you have to read it in order to get a general sense of the research.

Try to cover the following aspects:

♦ What is the writer trying to argue?

♦ What is your opinion on it?


How to Consider Gaps in the Research?

An important practice to conduct a literature review is to identify the gaps in the previous literature. After that, you have to design your research to fill those gaps if you find them relevant to your study.


A Final Word

To sum it up, you need to consider the following things in mind while writing a literature review:

♦ Use a simple language.

♦ Look for current literature.

♦ Organize different themes in a uniform manner.

Once you have understood all these details, you can efficiently write a literature review.

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