Assignment Brief

You are tasked to carry out an energy audit with the intention of reducing the energy consumption for a charitable organisation who occupies a large Multi-story building and distribution centre and also have a large number of small to medium sized high street stores.

During surveys you identify that the staff have complained about their environment and experiencing discomfort as a result of uncomfortable temperatures in the summer months.

You are also aware that rising energy costs could preclude the recommendation that the client should consider installing air conditioning systems into any ensuing refurbishment projects, as this often increases the eventual running costs of a building and should therefore this should be avoided where possible.

Evaluate the benefits of the measures that you may suggest in such an audit and in your conclusion you should clearly indicate, among other things, energy saving measures that could be implemented at little or no costs to the organisation.     (Marks 45%)


  1. Evaluate the steps that can be taken to avoid the need for air conditioning: Describe how the existing plants and equipment can be optimised and offer some respite to the occupants in achieving a “comfortable” environment and analyse the methods that may be available and its limitation.

(Marks 45%)

You are required to produce a technical report (NOT a specification for installing the equipment) for the relevant building engineering systems, and suggest realistic model solutions.

This section of assignment allows for 1250 words each maximum excluding appendices etc.

Referencing and correct use of Technical Text book                    (Marks 10%)

Reference material to assist you with this assignment;

Chadderton, D.V., Spon. 2004 Building Services Engineering,

CIBSE – Guide books, , 2006 Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers.

BSRIA Publications 2007

Hall & Greeno.  2002 Building Services Handbook. 2nd ed. Butterworth Heinemann.

Faber & Kell ’ s 2008 Heating and Air-Conditioning of Buildings Tenth edition

David JC MacKay 2009 Sustainable Energy — without the hot air

Standard Referencing Guide for Students (based on the LBS Guide)




Problem (1): uncomfortable temperatures in the summer months


Solving measures:

(a-1)The benefits of these measures:


Problem (2): rising energy costs due to installing air conditioning systems


Solving measures:

(a-1)The benefits of these measures:

(b-1) How to avoid the need for air conditioning by using plants and equipment which are already there

(b-2) how to help occupants a comfortable environment( give methods )

(b-3) analyze methods and limitation of these methods


(a-2) energy saving measures with little or no cost but please make this report it in your style because this instruction I gave it to another friend and please write only maximum 1250 words. Also please please try to discover some thing because my teacher want some thing new with his assignment so surprise him with your solution.


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The setting of this assignment is that you have been asked by a client to inspect a property they are considering purchasing. They require you to examine the property, identify and assess any faults that are present and provide a written report detailing a description of the property (including materials), faults and recommended remedial repairs. There are four separate tasks to be undertaken for the assignment as follows; 1. Building inspection: Each student must undertake an inspection of their home and provide a description of their inspection process, e.g. sequence and mode of inspection, overall impressions, observations, any tools or equipment used to carry out the inspection, time and date etc. 2. Building description: You are required to provide a detailed description of the building including the materials used. This should cover everything from the foundations to the roof and also any other building(s) on the land parcel such as sheds, garages and so on. (Remember to think about the structure of your report and the client’s experience when reading it.) See page 2. 3. Building condition: For each component / part of the building you must identify: The condition of the building and materials. Include in this section likely causes of any faults you see. For example; you may find some rotting timber and may note that a lack of regular painting (maintenance) may be the cause. Here’s a tip: if you set out a table categorising a grading system you can then use it to rank all parts on a table and show defect causality. For example; ‘excellent condition-no visible defect’ might rank as ‘A’, and so on. You may research some examples of building condition surveys/reports to give you some further ideas. 4. Land / site description: Provide a brief description of the site including the topography, building coverage, and the ability to extend and or provide additions to the property. 5. Recommendations: Here is where you must provide recommendations to your client about the property they are considering to purchase with particular attention to any substantial defects to the property. Assessment criteria: As a guide, consider the following; • Coherent structure to report. * Rational method of undertaking the building inspection. • Accurate assessment of building condition * Clear descriptions throughout report. • Accurate descriptions of construction methods and materials Length: Maximum of 2,500 words / Max of 20 pages. Note: NB: As this is a report and not an essay there will be, by necessity, fewer citations than is usually required (but there will be some). Ensure you cite all assumptions, references and sources using the Harvard referencing system.

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