Ariel and Dusty want to determine how similar their movie preferences are. They independently rank the 13 movie categories with their favorite at the top.
Data set: Ch 08 – Exercise 10A.sav Variable: ariel Definition: Ariel’s movie type preference Type: Categorical (1 = Action/Adventure, 2 = Animation, 3 = Comedy, 4 = Cult Movie, 5 = Documentary, 6 = Fantasy, 7 = Film Noir, 8 = Horror, 9 = Romantic, 10 = Sci-Fi, 11 = Spy, 12 = Western, 13 = Zombies) Variable: dusty Definition: Dusty’s movie type preference Type: Categorical (1 = Action/Adventure, 2 = Animation, 3 = Comedy, 4 = Cult Movie, 5 = Documentary, 6 = Fantasy, 7 = Film Noir, 8 = Horror, 9 = Romantic, 10 = Sci-Fi, 11 = Spy, 12 = Western, 13 = Zombies)
1. Write the hypotheses.
2. Verify the pretest checklist (both independently ranking the same set of items).
3. Run the bivariate correlation for Spearman’s rho, and document your findings (Spearman’s rho and Sig. [p value]) and hypothesis resolution.
4. Write an abstract up to 200 words detailing a summary of the study, the bivariate correlation, hypothesis resolution, and implications of your findings.