This assignment is designed to not only to give students an opportunity to practice concepts learned in class, but also to give them experience using tools that are essential in business. Respond to the following items. Refer to Professor’s Notes and the textbook about writing reports. Also, be sure to follow guidelines in the syllabus for written work and be sure to check grammar, spelling, etc.

1. Write a short research paper (not to exceed six pages) on a business topic of interest to you.

2. Be sure to follow the principles covered in our discussion about revising written messages, including paragraph and sentence construction, and using headings. You should use a few headings throughout your paper.

3. Use at least three sources to derive your information and reference these sources in a References section at the end of the paper. These references should be in APA format, as discussed in class.

4. You should also include a title page, a table of contents, an executive summary, and organize the paper according to the Professor’s Notes and textbook chapter about reports and proposals.

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