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Write a recommendation report comparing two types of water provision for a semi-arid region of your choosing.


  • You may consider arid regions in general, or concentrate on the needs of a specific area.
  • You should consider at least two different water provision techniques.


You must consider the following requirements:


  • Cost
  • Output
  • Social and Environmental Impact



Important information:


  • In your report you should refer to materials from the SS2 coursebook and at least six additional academic sources from your own research.
  • You must provide in-text citations and final references for all sources you refer to in your report. You must use English language sources – you should not translate ideas from non English sources.
  • Your report must use sub-headings and a numbering system throughout.
  • The report should be 1500 words.


You will be assessed on:


  • The relevance of your ideas to the report title.
  • The structure of your report (organisation of ideas; use of headings and numbering; linking of ideas).
  • Your choice of relevant and appropriate source material – including specific examples and data – to support your ideas. SS2 Assessment Outline: Report 3
  • Your incorporation of source material including paraphrase/summary, in-text citations and final references.
  • Appropriate and accurate use of English, especially register and style; adherence to all task guidelines.

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