Task 1: Semester reflection (200-350 words)

Write a paragraph reflecting on your semester in terms of your experiences, learning strengths and weaknesses and things you have learnt or had wished you had known at the beginning. You might like to comment about the ULP, the interview you conducted, or the development of academic writing and referencing, the subjects you enjoyed, the insights you have gained, etc.

Task 2: Nursing code reflection (200-350 words)

Select one of your ANMC nursing codes of conduct or ANMC Code of Ethics or standards and write a paragraph applying it to a combination of your personal, study and/or work life experiences using examples. This paragraph needs to be academically set out and substantiated with in text references and a List of References using the APA referencing style

Task 3: Graduate qualities reflection (200-350 words)

Write a paragraph outlining how you have developed one of the Uuniversity graduate qualities this semester by applying it to your personal, study and/or work life experiences using examples.

The graduate qualities are:

Discipline Expertise:

Evidence of analytical engagement with the theoretical knowledge of students’ chosen disciplines.



Evidence of the skills required for effective participation in students’ chosen working environment.


Global Citizenship:

Evidence of students’ ability to connect discipline-based theory and practice to the sustainability of communities, economies and environments in a global context.



Evidence of students’ capabilities to make a scholarly contribution in their workplaces and the wider communities.


Lifelong Learning:

Evidence of students’ academic and lifelong independent learning skills.


Task 4: Reflection on your learning skills development during this semester (200-350 words)

Write a paragraph outlining the how you have changed your learning skills, strategies and approaches this semester.  Reflect about whether you will change these for your next semester of study. You might also like to think about how you will apply these skills to you nursing practice.

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