Discussion: Contracts for creative disciplines
Assignment 1: Discussion – Contracts for creative disciplines
References to support Learning Outcome 3: Set out elements of contract and liabilities of creative firm http://www.amyemitchell.com/services/drafting/contractsforcreatives/
In the textbook find material related to contracts for creative disciplines.
Using material from the link and textbook, write a discussion piece for contracts for creative disciplines. Use a personal experience if possible to illustrate contracts in your discipline.
References to support Learning Outcome 3: Set out elements of contract and liabilities of creative firm http://www.amyemitchell.com/services/drafting/contractsforcreatives/
Read the material at the link for a conceptual view of legal services to produce contracts for creative disciplines.
Use keywords in the table of contents and index of the textbook to find material relevant contracts.
Use keywords to find related literature in the research library.
Write a paper to describe available legal services to produce contracts.
Use APA and quality language structure for academic writing.