Write a confidence interval or hypothesis test problem using one of the options below. For whichever option you choose, gather appropriate data, and post your problem (without a solution) in the discussion topic. You may add another sample to the data that you gathered in your Module Three Discussion Topic post. Allow time for your classmates to post their solutions, and then respond to your own post with a solution for others to check their work.

Option 1:

Think of a problem that you may be interested in that deals with a comparison of two population means. Propose either a confidence interval or a hypothesis test question that compares these two means. Gather appropriate data and post your problem (without a solution) in the discussion topic. Later, respond to your own post with the solution for others to check their work.

For example, you may want to know if the average weight of a rippled potato chip is the same as the average weight of a non-rippled potato chip. You may weigh rippled regular potato chips from a large bag and find weights of 1.7, 1.9, 2.4, 1.3, 1.7, and 2.0 grams. You may weigh non-rippled potato chips from another large bag and find weights of 1.8, 1.6, 1.9, 1.9, and 1.4 grams. Assume a random sample was drawn.

Option 2:

Think of a problem that you may be interested in that deals with a comparison of two population proportions. Propose either a confidence interval or a hypothesis test question that compares these two proportions. Gather appropriate data and post your problem (without a solution) in the discussion topic. Later, respond to your own post with your own solution.

For example, you may believe that the proportion of adults in California who are vegetarians is more than the proportion of adults in New Hampshire who are vegetarians. In two independent polls, you may find that 109 out of 380 California residents are vegetarians and 39 out of 205 New Hampshire residents are vegetarians.

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