You are required to write an annotated bibliography around the research
you are doing for your specialist project. You should read widely on your
topic and then select the 15 most relevant sources. Each annotation
should be approximately 200-250 words long, meaning that your
annotated bibliography, including a 250 word introduction, should be
between 3,250 and 3,750 words in length.
An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and
documents. Each citation is followed by a short descriptive, evaluative
and reflective paragraph, the annotation (usually about 200 words). The
purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader (and yourself in the
future) of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.
Questions you should ask yourself:
• What is my topic and how does it breakdown into different themes?
• What are the questions/problems I am investigating?
• Does each source relate to my research area?
• Am I finding the right sources?
• Are these important sources, are other people citing/using them?
An annotated bibliography calls for the application of several intellectual
skills: succinct analysis, informed library research, comparison with
other sources to evaluate their relevance, etc.
1. Locate and record citations to books, periodicals, and documents that
may contain useful information and ideas for your topic. Briefly examine
and review the actual sources (start by reading the abstract). Then
choose those sources that provide a variety of good, valid and reliable
perspectives on your topic.
What is it?
Annotated Bibliograophy
DESN5150 Assignment 2 Week 8 . 2019
2. Decide what the main themes are for your annotated bibliography.
3. Write an introduction where you will discuss the themes that you have
researched; why these themes are important for your project; how you
have structured your annotated bibliography.
4. Organise your annotations under the themes that you selected for
your annotated bibliography. Those themes exist to help the reader
clearly understand the different areas that you have been researching
and that are relevant to your research topic.
5. Cite each source accurately using the Harvard System.
6. Write a concise annotation for each source that:
• Summarises the aims and central scope of the source.
• Summarises the research methods used.
• Reflects on the strengths and limitations of the source.
• Compares with other sources (in your reference list and beyond).
You need to have a reference list at the end to include all the
sources reviewed and cited.
• Explains how this source will be useful to your future project/
• 3 or 4 themes should be determined for the topic chosen.
• A minimum of 3 sources/references should be included per theme
(less than 3 sources will not show in-depth reading).
• There is no maximum number of sources/references per theme, but
the total number for the entire assignment is 15.
• Any sources/references that were read but that are not one of
the 15 sources/references in the Annotated Bibliography, can be
listed at the end of the Annotated Bibliography under the heading
The essay should be between 3,250 and 3,750 words in length (excludes
• Pdf document.
• Margins: left 35mm; right 35mm; top 40mm; bottom 25mm.
Assessment Criteria – 70% of total mark
Quality of the introduction. Selection of themes for the topic of the
project chosen. Overall quality and relevance of the chosen sources.
Completeness of the annotation and level of analysis on all fronts: aims
and scope, research methods used, limitations and strengths, usefulness
to student’s research topic.
Level of evaluation, critical analysis and comparison to other sources
(within and beyond the annotated bilbiography).
Clarity of written argument. Referencing according to Harvard system.
Quality of the layout.
topics and chosen
Evaluation and
critical thinking
and presentation
• Single column.
• 1.5 interlinear space (Word/Pages doc) or 15pt (InDesign).
• Font: Calibri 11.5 pt.
The essay must be submitted on the VLE via Turnitin, on or before
Tuesday 7th January no later than 13.59. Make sure you get the
Turnitin receipt, as only after receiving the receipt it is confirmed that
you have definitely submitted.