Assume you are an international marketer doing research for a (real-world) product of your choosing that you would like to introduce to a foreign market (please choose one specific country and focus on that country alone). Please write a 4-6 page paper outlining the considerations that you would need to make in order to successfully introduce your product. Please make sure to address the following in your paper:

  • What cultural challenges will your country of choice present? What are some important considerations you should make, as a marketer, in order to successfully appeal to your new target market? Will you be focusing on a certain demographic within the country? How might this change how you market your product?
  • How would you have to adjust your marketing strategy to appeal to your chosen market? Discuss marketing strategies used in your product’s country of origin (please use real-world examples). Could these strategies be used in your chosen foreign country? Why or why not? How might you need to change your approach?
  • Are there any challenges that the political environment presents?
  • How would you price your product, especially considering the logistics of bringing the product into the country?

Please present a detailed analysis of how, as a marketer, you would like to appeal and market to your chosen product to your new target market.

Papers should be single-spaced. Please use a 12 pt font. You are encouraged to include relevant exhibits but please note that these do not factor in to the length requirement. Please make sure to cite your sources (you are welcome to just include a reference list at the end of the paper).

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