Assume you are firm A

Part A) Developing a strategy in Period 1 and renewing in Period 5

Developing a strategy for your firm is a key part of achieving success in the any business environment.  Your strategy will serve as your firm’s “roadmap”.  For the purpose of this assignment, your plan should consist of 5 elements, base on period 1 data only: Business definition and rationale, source of competitive advantage, performance objectives, key success factors and strategic assumptions.

You will need to base your strategy development on the available data for Period 1 AND discuss how by Period 5 you may have a different strategy.

Use as much of the data from the spreadsheets as you need to in order to justify your analysis.

Please respond to the following questions to create an overall definition of your strategy for your firm.

  1. Business Definition: Possible areas to consider include: Who do you want to serve and why? (Include customers/segments to be targeted and customer needs satisfied. Be sure to provide the rationale for these choices – for example: segment attractiveness, market gaps, fit with resources, synergies? Begin with your Business Definition at Period 1 followed by a Business Definition at Period 5 and discuss how these have changed.
  1. Source of Competitive Advantage: Possible areas to consider include: With which competitors will you compete and how do you intend to win against them? Begin with your analysis of your Competitive Advantage at Period 1 followed by your analysis of your Competitive Advantage at Period 5 and discuss how these have changed.
  1. Performance Objectives: Possible areas to consider include: What performance goals do you have for your firm? (for example, highest cumulative profit, highest stock price, largest market share in target markets, etc.). Begin with your analysis of your Performance Objectives at Period 1 followed by your analysis of your Performance Objectives at Period 5 and discuss how these have changed.
  1. Key Success Factors: Possible areas to consider include: What is required of your firm to execute this strategy successfully? (for example, product development, outspend competition, first in market, etc.). Begin with your analysis of your Key Success Factors at Period 1 followed by your analysis of your Key Success Factors at Period 5 and discuss how these have changed.
  1. Strategic Assumptions: For your strategy to be successful, are there any underlying assumptions that you have made? Begin with your analysis of your Strategic Assumptions at Period 1 followed by your analysis of your Strategic Assumptions at Period 5 and discuss how these have changed.

Part B) Overall Performance and Analysis

Reflecting on a performance outcome is not only part of essential learning but will be able to guide companies to making better decisions.  You need to refer to the spreadsheets entitled ‘Industry Performance Periods 1_5_10’ as well as the ‘Market News Periods 1_5_10’ spreadsheet.

Please respond to the following questions:


  • Period 5 Analysis. Analyse the situation in Period 5, and discuss what would have, and needed to have, taken place for you to reach the Period 5 situation.


Specifically, you should select key measures, and discuss how and why these measures have developed the way they have from Period 1 to Period 5. You may, for instance select from the following measures: Net Income, market share, markets growth, COGS, technology profile, dealer ratings, capacity utilisation, and debt and chat their progress from Period 1 to Period 5 and discuss how and why they changed from Period 1 to Period 5.

  • Period 10 Analysis. Analyse the situation in Period 10, and discuss what would have, and needed to have, taken place for you to reach the Period 10 situation.


Specifically, you should select key measures, and discuss how and why these measures have developed the way they have from Period 5 to Period 10. You may, for instance select from the following measures: Net Income, market share, markets growth, COGS, technology profile, dealer ratings, capacity utilisation, and debt and chat their progress from Period 1 to Period 5 and discuss how and why they changed from Period 5 to Period 10.

  • Competitor situation. Consider all your competitors (B, C, D, E) and discuss what you think each did well, or poorly, in order for them to end up with their respective situations in Period 10.


You may wish to select a number of key measures to help with your analysis and comparison amongst the competitors.

  • Future of firm. How have you left your firm to compete for the future?

You should give a brief overview of your final position, using key indicators such as stock price, financial positions, sales, any remaining development projects etc.  This should then be followed by an analysis and discussion of what you can do to increase sales, stock price, income etc. Regardless of your ending stock price, you should not simply say you have left your firm in a good or poor position.  You should look to analysing the strengths that you have and how you can capitalise on these strengths to further improve your stock price.  You should look at weaknesses or areas that can be improved further and provide recommendations.  You will need to continue looking at your competitors, your market and your environment to provide sensible recommendations.

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