Diane Ackerman poses a wistful question regarding mankind’sappreciation of zoos. In response to Ackerman’s theories, what can you add or reject after reading Charles Siebert’s article “An Elephant Crackup?” and Karen Armstrong’s excerpt “Homo Religiosos” from The Case for God? Using Siebert’s and Armstrong’s texts can you supply another theory, more evidence, a different question, or an answer to Ackerman’s question? Is her question important?Explain. Your task for this essay is to use Siebert and Armstrong to comment on the “meditation” written by Diane Ackerman. USe quotations from both Siebert and Armstrong to clarify, support, answer, or chalenge Ackerman’s ideas. Aim to use Siebert and Armstrong “together” in conversation or disagreement at least once.(Example: Using Siebert’s call for empathy “…..quote…… we can understand Armstrong’s belief that “….quote….”. These positions are…etc.) In other words, make atl east one quoted direct connection between the two texts we have studied. Use at least two well chosen quotations from each assingned text. Be careful to avoid unnecessary summary, proof-read, and follow MLA protocols for spacing and other matters. *text is from New Humanities 3rd Editiion*


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