You should cover:

Nature of corruption

Opportunities for corruption

Scope and spheres of corruption

Some final observations on what preventive factors
might set apart places that are more or less
corrupt than others

You should take a specific example or activity upon
which you can build.

I would like you to focus on the education sector and contrast two or three countries with different types and levels of corruption.

Please only use reputable sources from books or journal articles. Read the whole article before you use it. I will upload some sources that may be useful for you. Look at the reports by Transparency International too. It is essential that you read the following report:

Transparency International 2013. Transparency International Global Corruption Report 2008: Corruption in the Education SectorAbingdon: Routledge.

Please make sure you proofread the essay before submitting it. I expect it to be structured as a university essay with a distinct introduction, conclusion and topic sentences. I also expect spelling and grammar to be at a university standard.

It is essential that there is no evidence of plagiarism. This essay will go through Turnitin software.

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