1. Which of the following aspects form the main constituents of culture?


(a) Ecology or geography (b) Heritage

(c) Social fabric (d) All of these

(e) None of these

2. Some of the elements of culture are:

(a) Cultural values (b) Nation and social stratification systems

(c) Performance orientation (d) Language and religion

(e) All of these

3. We all exchange messages through a host of nonverbal cues, which form a silent language. These cues are:

(a) Colours (b) Body language or kinesics

(c) Distance (d) Senses

(e) All of these

4. In which culture “Yes” is not indicated by a sideway movement of the head?

(a) Greek (b) Turk

(c) Bulgarian (d) United States

(e) India

5. All cultures can be classified based on a number of differences and dimensions; each dimension distinctly separates the nation’s cultural character as given out by Hofstede in his four point differentials theory. These dimensions are:

(a) Power distance (b) Individualism

(c) Uncertainty avoidance (d) Masculinity

(e) All of these

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