Make sure you:

  • Understand exactly what the topic is asking you
  • Take a ‘position’ in relation to that topic (one which answers the question)
  • Develop your position with a detailed argument which is carefully referenced and supported by evidence from primary (cases, statutes) and secondary (academic) sources.

Reference style AGLC4

Use Academic Reference only!

You should aim to find all of the most important primary and secondary resources which relate to your topic and the position you have adopted. Try to find the MOST IMPORTANT sources, not just lots of sources.

If you exceed the word limit (even by one word) you will incur a penalty.

Try to use specific examples to illustrate your arguments where possible. You may wish to discuss a case or cases in detail to prove your point.




Support fully

Knowledge :research —>idea give idea and let audience know clearly  don’t write just for markers (academic community)

Strong enough for peer review prove everything I say

Encoding words decoding


Introduction ( central idea, logical conclusion, )

Use Heading and sub-heading (attractive) one paragraph have one idea show the logical moves



Use the structure from up there

1,  use sub section ( the importance of HR protection?)

2, consequences

3, legal right not enough


‘Where judges, in purporting to discharge their functions, exceed what the constitution provides, or what history has defined, or what contemporary society expects of them, then they are apt to be called ‘activists’ or ‘imperial’ and said to have gone beyond their proper limits and to have become a law unto themselves.’[1]


What are the limits on judicial decision-making, and why does it matter?


[1] Robert French, Judicial Activism – The Boundaries of the Judicial Role’ (Paper presented at LAWASIA Conference, 2009, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 10 November 2009), 11. <>

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