1.A hydro plant gets a regulated supply of 20 m3/s. The effective head of the plant is 15 m and the overall efficiency of the turbine−generator set is 0.75. If the plant is to work for eight hours per day and six days a week as a peaking plant, calculate the (a) required pondage and (b) pondage factor. What would be the firm capacity of the plant with pondage?
2. A run-of-river plant on a river works 6 days a week, 24 hours a day. The effective head is 16 m and the overall plant efficiency is 0.82. In a typical week, the flow in the river is as follows.
Estimate (a) the total pondage required to even out the flow fluctuation and to
get the maximum output from the plant, and (b) weekly energy output from
the plant. [Ans: (a) 2.909 Mm3 (b) E = 41.36 MWh]