Write an essay on ONE of the following prompts(The essay should be 5-6 paragraphs and can only use information from the assigned readings and video lectures and slides. The essay must be typed, double spaced with 12-pt font, and submitted as a PDF or Word document through Turnitin).

1. What were the hopes and successes of Reconstruction after the Civil War? What were the major challenges and setbacks? What contributed to the abrupt end and failure of Reconstruction, and what problems remained in the South in the aftermath?

2. What led to the Industrial Revolution in the United States? How did industrialization change American society and economy during the Gilded Age? In what ways did the new immigration differ from previous patterns of immigration to the U.S.? How did the new immigration affect American society?

3. What major social and economic changes occurred in the U.S. during and after World War 1? What caused the Great Depression, and how did it affect the nation? What did FDR do about the crisis? How did the government’s role in the economy and society change as a result of the Great Depression?

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