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1.As a role-playing activity, one student plays the part of a patient with a postoperative repair of recurrent traumatic anterior glenohumeral dislocation (coracoid transfer), while another student plays the role of a practicing PTA. For the “PTA”: Based on your knowledge and understanding of bone and soft-tissue healing, instruct the patient and demonstrate for a comprehensive initial postoperative care program. Is immobilization necessary? For how long? Wh y is this necessary? Specifically instruct your patient in the use of agents he or she can use at hom e for pain and swelling management. Discuss the rationale for the use of other agents you might use in the clinic for pain and swelling reduction. Which precautions would you outline for your patient? Clearly identify these and demonstrate. Which specific motion activities would you recommend? Have the patient demonstrate the correct performance of these exercises. Wha t specific muscle contraction types are employed whil e the patient is immobilized? Describe these in detail a nd then have the patient demonstrate. List and demonstrate exercises for all other noninvolved joints that are appropriate. Thoroughly describe the rationale for scapulothoracic stability and strength related to this case. Have the patient demonstrate the correct performance of all scapulothoracic exercises you would recommend. During the minimum-protection phase, what role does eccentric loading play in t he rehabilitation of anterior glenohumeral instability? Are closed kinetic chain proprioception exercises encouraged for this case? If so, describe three examples and have your patient demonstrate.

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