(Ch. 5-What are some potential problems of poor database design?

Ch. 6-Discuss the different types of Web services that you are currently using for study and work? Why have you chosen those Web services to use?))–500-600 words


[[This project is something you will develop throughout the Information Studies Capstone course. It needs to be your original idea or you will fail the course.

You will need to develop a specific solution that addresses a specific business problem.

Name and/or type of Company/Organization: ____________________________________________________________________________________

What is the specific business problem or need the company has and why is it important? _____________________________________________________________________________________


What is going to be your solution (e.g. an ordering system, website, app, etc.)? This will be your project that you will work on. ____________________________________________________


What value will this bring to the business? (increase sales, decrease costs, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________________


]]with draft


Martial Arts R Us” (MARU) needs a database. MARU is a martial arts school with hundreds of students. The database must keep track of all the classes that are offered, who is assigned to teach each class, and which students attend each class. Also, it is important to track the progress of each student as they advance. Create a complete Crow’s Foot ERD for these requirements:

  • Students are given a student number when they join the school. The number is stored along with their name, date of birth, and the date they joined the school.
  • All instructors are also students, but clearly not all students are instructors. In addition to the normal student information, for all instructors, the date that they start working as an instructor must be recorded along with their instructor status (compensated or volunteer).
  • An instructor may be assigned to teach any number of classes, but each class has one and only one assigned instructor. Some instructors, especially volunteer instructors, may not be assigned to any class.
  • A class is offered for a specific level at a specific time, day of the week, and location. For example, one class taught on Mondays at 5:00 p.m. in Room 1 is an intermediate-level class. Another class taught on Mondays at 6:00 p.m. in Room 1 is a beginner-level class. A third class taught on Tuesdays at 5:00 p.m. in Room 2 is an advanced-level class.
  • Students may attend any class of the appropriate level during each week, so there is no expectation that any particular student will attend any particular class session. Therefore, the attendance of students at each individual class meeting must be tracked.
  • A student will attend many different class meetings, and each class meeting is normally attended by many students. Some class meetings may not be attended by any students. New students may not have attended any class meetings yet.
  • At any given meeting of a class, instructors other than the assigned instructor may show up to help. Therefore, a given class meeting may have a head instructor and many assistant instructors, but it will always have at least the one instructor who is assigned to that class. For each class meeting, the date of the class and the instructors’ roles (head instructor or assistant instructor) need to be recorded. For example, Mr. Jones is assigned to teach the Monday, 5:00 p.m., intermediate class in Room 1. During a particular meeting of that class, Mr. Jones was the head instructor and Ms. Chen served as an assistant instructor.
  • Each student holds a rank in the martial arts. The rank name, belt color, and rank requirements are stored. Most ranks have numerous rank requirements, but each requirement is associated with only one particular rank. All ranks except white belt have at least one requirement.
  • A given rank may be held by many students. While it is customary to think of a student as having a single rank, it is necessary to track each student’s progress through the ranks. Therefore, every rank that a student attains is kept in the system. New students joining the school are automatically given the rank of white belt. The date that a student is awarded each rank should be kept in the system. All ranks have at least one student who has achieved that rank at some time.

You can use either Microsoft Visio or Vertabelo to draw and export the ERD. To upload and submit your assignment, click the submission button below to find and select your saved document. Make sure that the file is saved with your last name in the file name. (Example: case2_Jones.pdf or case2_Jones.jpg)

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