(1 points) A new movie just comes out. Its budget is 100 millions, openingweekend revenue is 50 millions, and it is shown in 3500 theaters over the openingweekend. What is the 90% prediction interval for this new movie? 9. (2 points) Run regression analysis on the next two models: Model 2: USRevenue = ß0 + ß1T heaters and Model 3: USRevenue = ß0 + ß1Budget + ß2Opening Among Model 1-3, which do you prefer? and Why? 10. (1 point) In the dataset boxoffice.csv, there is a variable called “Rating 1”. Is this a categorical variable or quantitative variable? Explain the meaning of “Rating 1 = 0”, and “Rating 1 = 1”. 11. (2 points) Consider the following multiple regression: Model 4: USRevenue = ß0 + ß1Budget + ß2Opening + ß3Rating1 What is the predicted USRevenue for the new movie, if it has ”Rating 1=0”? and what is the predicted USRevenue for the new movie, if it has ”Rating 1=1”? 12. (3 points) What is your final model? Briefly explain why. 13. (Bonus 5 points, optional) How to improve your final model in 12? Document your steps and provide reasonings. You should continue to use USRevenue as response variable, however, you could expand th

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