Evaluation is a process that critically examines something, in this case an implementation process. There are three types of an evaluation process such as impact, outcome, and summative evaluation (Wanzer,2020). Evaluation provides a systematic method to study change and understand how well the change can achieve its goals. It will help determine what is working well and what can be improved. Evaluation should start the change acts; this will allow leadership to keep up on progress of the change to be able to see quickly if it is showing improvement in the specific area. Readjustment should begin as soon as leadership notices negative feedback or results during the implementation process. It is important to be able to keep track of the implementation progress, doing so will allow leadership to act fast on correcting any negative response. Once I noticed that the change is not going according to plan, I would involve the appropriate stakeholders and employees to come together and come up with other ways improve areas of concern within the implementation. The process would be different depending on the project area there may be different variables, if so then I would have to improve the change differently. In my experience I have seen leadership react late to change when it does not provide the results they were looking for. It is imperative for the stakeholders involved in the implementation process to learn measure, and understand the process (Wanzer,2020). Doing so will enable them to react quickly when the process is not on track in providing better outcomes.



Wanzer, D. L. (2021). What Is Evaluation?: Perspectives of How Evaluation Differs (or Not) From Research. American Journal of Evaluation42(1), 28–46. https://doi.org/10.1177/1098214020920710

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