Using the CogLab CD accompanying your course textbook, complete the serial position experiment and create a report on the experiment.

In your report, write a brief introduction explaining what the serial position effect is. In addition, include some representative researches on this effect. Next, in the Methods section, describe the process that you followed to complete the experiment, including a description of the materials used and the stimuli. Make sure to include enough information so that others can also perform the same experiment successfully.

Finally, describe the experimental results. In addition, determine if the experiment showed primacy and recency effects. Provide a rationale to support your answer. Summarize your report, including answers to the following questions:

  • Were the results in accordance with your expectation? Provide a rationale to support your answer.
  • Did anything about the experiment surprise you? If yes, what?
  • What factors would influence the results of the serial position experiment?

Name your report: SU_PSY3002_W7_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Submit your report in a Microsoft Word document to the W7: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Saturday, August 12, 2017.

Cite any sources you use using APA format on a separate page.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria 
Maximum Points
  • Performed the serial position experiment.
  • Wrote a brief introduction explaining what a serial position effect is.
  • Described in detail the process that you followed to complete the experiment and described the materials and the stimuli used in the experiment.
  • Described the experimental results and determined whether the experiment showed primacy and recency effects.
  • Summarized the report, including answers to the following questions:
    • Were the results in accordance with your expectation?
    • Did anything about the experiment surprise you?
    • What factors would influence the results of the serial position experiment?
Used correct spelling, grammar, professional vocabulary and APA format.



assignment 2


Using the CogLab CD accompanying your course textbook, complete the memory span experiment and create a report on the experiment.

In your report, write a brief introduction explaining the theory involved in the experiment. Next, in the Methods section, describe the process that you followed to complete the experiment. Make sure to include enough information so that others can also perform the same experiment successfully.

Finally, describe the experimental results, including conditions where you performed the best and the worst. Provide a rationale explaining why the results differed in both the conditions. Summarize your report, including answers to the following questions:

  • Were the results in accordance with your expectation? Provide a rationale to support your answer.
  • Did anything about the experiment surprise you? If yes, what?
  • What extraneous factors would influence the results of the memory span experiment?

Name your report: SU_PSY3002_W5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Submit your report in a Microsoft Word document to the W5: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Saturday, July 29, 2017.

Cite any sources you use using APA format on a separate page.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria 
Maximum Points
  • Performed the memory span experiment and created a report on the experiment.
  • Wrote a brief introduction explaining the theory involved in the experiment.
  • Described in detail the process that you followed to complete the experiment.
  • Described the experimental results, including conditions where you performed the best and the worst and explained why the results differed in both the conditions.
  • Summarized the report, including answers to the following questions:
    • Were the results in accordance with your expectation?
    • Did anything about the experiment surprise you?
    • What extraneous factors would influence the results of the memory span experiment?
Used correct spelling, grammar, professional vocabulary and APA format.



assignment 3


Using the CogLab CD accompanying your course textbook, perform the implicit learning experiment and create a report on the experiment.

In your report, write a brief introduction explaining the differences between implicit and explicit learning.

Next, in the Methods section, describe the process that you followed to complete the experiment, including material requirements and stimuli description. Make sure to include enough information so that others could also perform the same experiment successfully.

Finally, describe the experimental results. Summarize your report, including answers to the following questions:

  • Were the results in accordance with your expectations? Provide a rationale to support your answer.
  • Did you feel like you were learning the patterns that occurred? Did your reaction time get faster with each attempt?
  • Did anything about the experiment surprise you? If yes, what?
  • What factors can influence the results of the implicit learning experiment?

Name your report: SU_PSY3002_W3_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Submit your report in a Microsoft Word document to the W3: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Saturday, July 15, 2017.

Cite any sources you use using APA format on a separate page.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria 
Maximum Points
  • Performed the implicit learning experiment.
  • Wrote a brief introduction explaining the differences between implicit and explicit learning.
  • Described in detail the process that you followed to complete the experiment.
  • Described the experimental results.
  • Summarized the report, including answers to the following questions:
    • Were the results in accordance with your expectations?
    • Did you feel like you were learning the patterns that occurred?
    • Did your reaction time get faster with each attempt?
    • Did anything about the experiment surprise you?
    • What factors could influence the results of the implicit learning experiment?
Used correct spelling, grammar, professional vocabulary and APA format.
Total:                                                                     20

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