Application Questions for Personal Experience Report #1


Choose one (1) of the following for Report #1.  The report should be about 2-3 pages long (double spaced). Please print the question at the top of the page. Be sure to include your name.


1. What factors have influenced the contents of your self-concept?

2. Describe examples in which you or someone you know has used three of the following self-presentation strategies: ingratiation, intimidation, self-promotion, exemplification, supplication, self-handicapping, and basking in reflected glory.

3. Describe at least one time when you first met a person and formed a very inaccurate impression. What aspects of social cognition contributed to, your false impressions.

4. Describe a personal example of three of the following: fundamental attribution error, salience bias, blaming the victim, illusory correlation, and false consensus bias.

5, Describe at least one personal example of the operation of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

5. Give two examples of times when the verbal or paralinguistic cues led to a different understanding than was conveyed by the verbal message.


6. Describe two examples of how your perceptions of a person were influenced by the person’s gaze, body movements or gestures.

7. Describe three time when you ware casually touched. For each instance, describe the feelings or impressions created by the touch.

8. Give examples of times when you used each of Hall’s four interpersonal distance zones.

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