Think about all you have learned in regard to taking care of adult patients and consider the case presentation that follows. Answer all the questions completely and use peer-reviewed evidence to support your answers.

Please use this template to answer the questions from the case study, then upload the completed document to the assignment area. Remember, this assignment is due by Day 5 of Week 15.

Part 1

What could be some physical reasons that Anthony wanted to sit out for the rest of the game?

Could there be emotional reasons why Anthony would want to sit out for the rest of the game?

What do you think could have physically happened to Anthony that is giving him a headache?

Is this something the coaches and his parents should be worried about?

Part 2

1. What are the signs and symptoms Anthony displayed after the big hit?

What conditions are these symptoms indicative of? What are the possible medical implications?

What are the dangers of playing through this type of injury?

What would you do if you were in Coach Taylor’s position?

Part 3

1. Describe what physically occurred to Anthony during the initial injury and the second injury.

Why did he collapse after the second injury, even though he did not get hit in the head?

What conditions are these symptoms indicative of? What are the possible medical implications?

What are the risks of playing through this diagnosis?

Part 4

1. What do you think is the root of Anthony’s deterioration?

What is his final diagnosis? How did you come to this conclusion?

Could anything have been done to prevent Anthony’s suicide or overall diagnosis?

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